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本科 奖学金 & 金融援助

There should be no barriers to your future.

我们相信无论你的经济状况如何,你都应该有机会在艾格尼丝·斯科特中学出类拔萃. Through a variety of merit- and need-based financial aid, 我们致力于使我们的创新教育容易获得和负担得起 给合格的学生.

The Office of 金融援助, together with the 招生办公室是来帮助新生和归国学生在经济援助过程中导航. 我们知道这个过程对学生和他们的家庭来说是有压力的, so we are here to support you along the way. 本网站旨在为您提供了解该过程的洞察力和资源.


Your 金融援助 Offer

The Office of 金融援助 administers all of Agnes Scott’s scholarships, 奖助金, 旨在帮助学生和家庭的贷款和联邦工作研究使艾格尼丝·斯科特成为可能. 艾格尼丝·斯科特 一致认为 被评为“最有价值学校” U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 出于这个原因.

The first piece of the financial aid offer are Agnes Scott 奖学金. For most of our scholarships, students must simply apply to the college. 在Early Action II截止日期(1月15日)之前提交完整的通用申请和所有支持材料的申请人将自动被考虑获得25美元起的优秀奖学金,000-$28,1万美元一年. 这些奖学金是根据包括学业成绩在内的因素颁发的, 社区服务, 领导 and extracurricular involvement. For example, check out our Agnes Scott $100K Promise.

We do have a small handful of application-based scholarships. Review those and apply below:

这项奖学金颁发给有前途的音乐专业的一年级新生, and who demonstrate scholastic ability, talent and seriousness of thought, 宗旨与努力. Students who have financial need will be given priority.

The scholarship, which is awarded at varying levels from $500 to $5,000 每年, is renewable each year as long as the student meets scholarship requirement, including music class and ensemble requirements. 该奖学金将与任何其他获得的学术优秀奖学金叠加.

A video audition is required as well as the application below. 每个申请人应准备两种风格对比的作品,为他们的应用音乐的主要领域(例如:一个歌词, one virtuosic; or one Baroque, 一个浪漫的). 除了, 鼓励歌手试唱两种不同语言的声乐作品(其中一种可以是英语). It is recommended that singers and pianists audition from memory.

Only the music faculty will hear the auditions, after which they will rank the applicants on the basis of musicality, 在试镜中表演的曲目的技术和难度水平.

For instruments other than piano and guitar, 我们鼓励申请者至少准备一首乐曲并配上伴奏.

申请人应提交霍普金斯奖学金申请和他们的联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) 3月21日星期五. 申请人可以使用他们的入学申请人门户信息(在提交共同申请后收到)登录奖学金申请。. 

Complete the application here

每年, 我们根据全面的申请审查,邀请最优秀的一年级申请者竞争这项享有盛誉的奖学金,该奖学金提供全额学费, housing and dining for up to four years of study (currently a $246,000 值). Students chosen as Agnes Scott Presidential Scholars excel in academics, 领导, character and personal achievement.  被邀请参加该奖学金竞争的学生将在录取通知书中收到有关下一步的更多信息.


艾格尼丝·斯科特每年为一名即将入学的一年级学生提供一份戈伊祖塔基金会奖学金, 支付全额学费, room and board (with a current four-year value of $246,000). 具有西班牙裔/拉丁裔/墨西哥裔经验并在学术上表现优异的学生优先考虑, 领导, character and personal achievements. Students must also demonstrate financial need.

Applicants must reside within the United States, but do not need to be U.S. citizens; this scholarship is available for DACA and non-citizen U.S. 居民.

Complete a separate application for the Goizueta Foundation Scholarship by 2025年1月31日.



This scholarship typically awards $1,000 to $3,000 每年, with a four-year value of $4,000 to $12,000. 该奖学金将与艾格尼丝·斯科特的其他优秀奖学金叠加. Any student who is a member of a Presbyterian USA church, regardless of citizenship status, 被邀请申请.

Complete the separate application for the Presbyterian Scholarship. 申请人可以使用他们的入学申请人门户信息(在提交通用应用程序后收到)登录奖学金申请。.


注意:我们也鼓励你申请国家长老会学院奖学金计划, which is based on academic merit and financial need. 奖励金额各不相同. The deadline for this scholarship is May 17, 2025.

亚历山大和洛里斯·沃瑟曼奖学金颁发给阿格尼斯·斯科特学院不超过两名即将入学的一年级学生. 沃瑟曼和哈丽特. 王64年.

Each Wasserman Scholar receives a scholarship of $2,500 annually, renewable for up to four years (for a total of $10,000). 该奖学金将与其他获得的艾格尼丝·斯科特奖学金叠加.

沃瑟曼奖学金是颁发给学术优秀和致力于教育学生“深入思考”的学院使命的犹太学生的, 体面地生活,并参与他们那个时代的智力和社会挑战.“捐赠者和学院重视犹太人信仰和身份的多样性. 鼓励以传统和非传统方式定义和表达自己犹太身份的学生申请, regardless of citizenship status.

奖学金申请者应填写“沃瑟曼奖学金申请表” 2025年1月31日. 申请人可以使用他们的入学申请人门户信息(在提交共同申请后收到)登录奖学金申请。.

莱蒂·佩特·怀特黑德奖学金是一项基于需求的奖学金,根据学习成绩颁发给即将入学的一年级学生, 领导 and community involvement. In accordance with the guidelines set forth by the foundation, the scholarship supports students who are full-time 居民 of Alabama, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 田纳西或弗吉尼亚, and who have been admitted to 澳门威尼斯人平台学院, demonstrate financial need and self-identify as Christian.

Whitehead Scholarship amounts can range from $500 to $2,000 每年, with a four-year value of $2,000 to $8,000. 该奖学金将与其他获得的艾格尼丝·斯科特奖学金叠加.

为了申请, 申请人必须提交他们的怀特海奖学金申请,并提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) 2025年1月31日. 申请人可以使用他们的入学申请人门户信息(在提交共同申请后收到)登录奖学金申请。. 

艾格尼丝·斯科特 a Golden Door Scholars partner school. For students who have DACA or TPS status or who are undocumented, you may apply to be a Golden Door Scholar to attend Agnes Scott. Please review the information on The Golden Door Scholars 申请网址.

The application deadline is 2024年10月1日.


This tool can help you and your family plan for an Agnes Scott education. By answering some key questions, 计算器将根据去年的数据估计你可能会得到多少经济援助.






学生贷款 & 还款


金融知识 & 资源


A More Equitable 金融援助 System


澳门威尼斯人平台学院 is committed to using the Principles & 大学成本透明度倡议在学生经济援助方面的标准.



Contact the Office of 金融援助

We want to make the student financial aid process as easy as possible. Reach out and let us know how we can help!



Hours of operation: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 



Check out the 入学 Blog


The Agnes Scott $100K Promise

two students over computer smiling
The Agnes Scott $100K Promise is for 所有的学生 applying for the Fall 2025 school year. If you are admitted to Agnes Scott for Fall 2025, you will receive 至少 a $25,000 renewable merit-based scholarship annually. Over your four years at Agnes Scott, that will become the promised $100,000. Based on the strength of your application, you may be considered for higher scholarships, 26美元起,000-$28,000 每年 (a four-year total of $104,000-$112,000).



Students who receive some form of aid
First-time, first-year students who qualify for need-based aid
Students who graduate debt-free
Average percent of need met by package for in-state students
Agnes Scott students who graduate in four years
Best 乔治亚州 Colleges for 金融援助 (LendEDU)